Bloqueo interno / Inward Block / An-makgi (안막기)

Bloqueo interno / Inward Block / An-makgi 

Una técnica de bloqueo desde el exterior hacia el interior del cuerpo del defensor con la mano, el pie, el brazo o la pierna.
Cuando el oponente ataca desde el frente, las superficies de bloqueo como 'Muñeca exterior' (borde exterior de la muñeca), 'Mano de cuchillo' (borde exterior de la mano), 'Tacón de palma' (borde de la palma, arriba de la muñeca) e 'Reverso de la cuchilla del pie' (borde interior del pie) se emplea para bloquearlo desde el exterior del cuerpo del defensor hacia el interior.

A technique of blocking from the outside to the inside of the defender’s body with the hand, foot, arm or leg.
When the assailant attacks from the front, the blocking surfaces such as ‘Outside Wrist’ (outside edge of the wrist), ‘Knife Hand’ (the outside edge of hand), ‘Palm Heel’ (heel of the palm) and ‘Reverse Foot Blade’ (inside edge of the foot) are employed to block it from the outside of defender’s body to the inside.

손이나 발, 팔이나 다리를 사용하여 몸의 바깥쪽에서 안쪽으로 막는 기술.
상대방이 자신의 바깥쪽이나 앞쪽에서 공격하여 올 때, ‘바깥팔목, 손날, 바탕손, 발날등’ 등을 사용하여 바깥쪽에서 안쪽으로 막는 기술이다.

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